Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's too expensive to eat healthy EXCUSE.

According to the grocery breakdown data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here’s where our grocery dollars are going per person:

Processed Foods & Sweets – $66.87
Meats – $62.78
Fruits and Vegetables – $42.63
Grains & Baked Goods – $42.05
Beverages – $32.41
Dairy Products – $30.95
Other Foods – $14.31

In doing some basic addition that comes to $155.64 for junk and $136.36 for meats, fruits, vegetables, and dairy.
It seems to me, if you slashed your spending on junk and instead put all of that money towards good, nutritious foods, the “good stuff” wouldn't seem so expensive.  In fact, if the average two-person family just doubled their meat, vegetable, fruit, and dairy and cut out all junk, they’d actually save $40 per month.  This is a simple argument, but the point is valid: if you cut out the crap, the good stuff really shouldn't have much of an effect on your budget.
I think the root of the problem is, in an attempt to eat better, people spend more on good stuff without cutting out the junk, thus the appearance that healthy food causes them to blow through their budget.

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